Providing Strong Criminal Defense Driven By Results
The long-lasting impact that a criminal charge can have on your life means that you need assertive, experienced defense immediately. At Luisa White Law, LLC, our attorneys provide diligent criminal law representation to clients in Tippecanoe County and throughout Indiana. Our priority is to get the results you need through our compassionate counsel.
We protect clients from a variety of misdemeanor and felony charges, including:
- Traffic violations
- Impaired driving
- Immigrant offender defense
- Drug charges
- Juvenile delinquency
- Property crimes
- Assault and battery
- Sexual assault
Our attorneys also handle family legal matters. As a result, we can help you if a criminal matter is affecting an ongoing family issue. Criminal charges – especially those involving domestic abuse – can permanently damage your custody and visitation rights with your children. If you are an immigrant who is not a permanent resident, we do whatever we can to prevent your removal.
A Conviction Is Not The End Of The Fight
Even if the court convicts you of a crime, you might still have options for post-conviction relief. We frequently succeed in modifying unfairly harsh sentences through appeals. You might also have the option to expunge certain qualifying offenses from your criminal record, granting you more opportunities in your career, education and personal life.
Handling Sensitive Cases Involving Minors
Our firm frequently takes cases involving juvenile defendants or children affected by allegations of abuse. If the state has gotten the Department of Child Services involved, we will advocate for your rights, including if the state has designated your child a Child in Need of Services (CHINS). We frequently work with guardians ad litem and can provide guardian ad litem services for the court.
Discuss How To Get The Results You Need
In a time that is no doubt frightening and difficult, allow Luisa White Law, LLC, to tenaciously defend your rights. As soon as you can, contact our Lafayette law office to schedule your initial consultation. Call 765-239-5695 or send us an email to begin. Hablamos español.