Resources We Think May Help Our Clients
At Luisa White Law, LLC, we are proud to empower our clients with the knowledge they need to feel supported and make the best possible decisions for themselves as they pursue their legal goals. Following are some resources we’ve created for your reference.
Child Support: The Basics
Child support is determined by the court and is based on a number of factors including parents’ income, overnight parenting time, health insurance and childcare. Remember that child support is ordered by the court. This means it is a legal obligation. Child support can be withheld from a paycheck or can be paid in cash to the county clerk or via check sent to the INSCCU.
What You Need To Know About Evictions
You cannot be evicted from your residence without a court order, and if being evicted for nonpayment of rent, the landlord is required to provide a 10 Day Notice to quit. If a summons for an immediate Writ of Possession is filed, you should hire an attorney to represent you. It’s important you be certain you understand the lease before you sign it and retain a copy for your records.
Steps To Exercise Parenting Rights
When working through parenting time issues, it’s important to be sure you have a record of your requests in writing and work to ensure the child is not dragged into any conflict that might arise. Show up when it’s your time to have with your child. Be persistent but polite. And be sure to keep a diary of what you’ve done to comply with the court orders in your case.
We Are Here to Guide You
Our legal is committed to protecting your best interests throughout the legal process. Call 765-239-5695 or complete our online form to learn how we can help you. We can provide service in both English and Spanish.